Author: admin

Tax benefits for Roth not fully settled

There is apparently a still open issue relating to qualifying for tax free distributions from a Roth 401(k). The issue arises if EGTRRA — the 2001 pension reform legislation that, among other things, created Roth 401(k)...

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SEC Targets 12b-1 Fees and Disclosures

The pressure on the continued existence, of section 12b-1 fees in mutual funds continues to grow, as does the scrutiny of disclosure to fund investors. In remarks delivered to the Mutual Fund Director’s Forum on April 13, 2007,...

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July 2007 401(k) Advisor

The final 401(k) regulations limited the ability of the plan sponsor to make a large Qualified Non-Elective Contribution (QNEC) to the lowest paid employee in order to pass the plan’s ADP test. Similar rules apply to QMACs...

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